Help us celebrate student success in Dual Credit & RAP programs

Cody Larsen registered in Power Engineering in September and has successfully completed year 1, six months ahead of time, and is now registering in year 2. Cody Larsen, Jackson White & Patrick Labrash have all finished their schooling portion of the Water Waste Water Management Program. Ethan Marinus & Matthew LaLonde have both passed their Part A ABSA in their Fourth Class Power Engineering and are now working on their final year. Desiree Tyson, Dirk Young & Matt Pasula all graduated last year with their Fourth Class Power Engineering Certificate completed. Sherise Davidson and Ashley MacDonald both completed their first level of the Oilfield Operator Program. Megan McIlveen & Taryn Upshaw completed the Health Care Aide program.
In the RAP program we have:- Finn Fenton in Instrumentation, -Braeden Roddick- Millwright. -Graduated last year was Matt Pasula, Chase Martineau - Heavy Duty Mechanic. -Owen Smith - Automotive Mechanic. We are so proud of the accomplishments of our students. Way to go!